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We are looking forward to meeting you! Starting school is an exciting stage in your child's life and there will be lots of new things to learn. We want to work together with yourselves to make it a happy and memorable experience.


This page contains things we want to share about Reception and hope that it will provide some useful information which will help your child settle quickly into school.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Reception Team

Parent Partnership

At Oak Meadow, we strongly believe in the partnership between home and school.   We need to work together to ensure that your child settles into the school routine smoothly. During the Autumn and Spring terms, we hold an Open Evening for parents/carers, where you will have the opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher to discuss their progress.   At the end of the Summer term, you will receive a written report about your child's progress throughout the year.


Throughout the year, we will be inviting you to a variety of Parent Workshops, designed to give information, ideas and support on different areas of learning that your child will be undertaking during the year.


At Oak Meadow, we celebrate the diversity of today's culture and actively celebrate different festivals.   We will be sending out invitations for you to come and join the celebrations!


You are always welcome to discuss any needs or concerns with your child's class teacher at the end of the day.

Starting School

Starting school is a major event in your child’s journey to independence and maturity. It can be both liberating and daunting! Hopefully some of these ideas and suggestions may help to make the transition much easier.


  • In the first few days, your child will face new places, people, expectations and relationships. This can be both exciting and frightening.   

  • You can help by familiarising your child with their new environment before school starts in September;

  • Attend the appointment offered to talk to the class teacher and meet the staff; look around the new area including cloakroom, toilets, outdoor area, dining hall and entrance. Talk about the places you have seen. For some children looking will be enough but others may need to talk about them.

  • Find out about the daily routine. Knowing what is coming next will help your child make sense of the day.

  • For your own reassurance, make sure you know what strategies the teacher uses to settle the children if they are upset.


Five ways to make the school familiar:


  1. Point out the school whenever you pass it.

  2. Talk about what you enjoyed at school and the fun things you did.

  3. Build a school/classroom from cardboard boxes or play-bricks and people. Make up stories with them.

  4. Read some positive stories about starting school, e.g. Starting School by Alan and Janet Ahlberg.   

  5. Walk or drive to school together so your child gets to know the route.

The Countdown
  • Plan ahead-take note of all the things your child will need at school;

  • Uniform - shop for uniform early: make the shopping trip a   special event

  • Outdoor coat to be brought every day. This will need to be waterproof, as we will be accessing the outdoor area in all    weathers.

  • Lunch box or purse with dinner money.

  • Book bag.

  • Please ensure you name all your child’s clothes and belongings.

  • Towards the end of the Summer break, try to bring bedtime to a suitable time for school nights and introduce more regular eating habits with meals at set times.   

  • Write a list of all the things you need to organise and tick each item off as you sort it out.

The First Day
  • Involve your child in getting ready for their first day. Let them practise putting on their uniform, putting on and fastening their own coat and shoes. The evening before they start, lay out their uniform together.

  • Set your alarm early for your child’s first day – even the most organised parents and children need extra time to get ready for the big event.

  • Put money ready in a named purse or envelope if buying a lunch.

  • Pack your child’s lunch box. Please do not give your child any glass bottles, sweets or nuts/nut bars as we have children in school with nut allergies.

Your Emotions

Please approach your child’s first day with confidence and enthusiasm, using positive words about school.  In this way their anxieties will be reduced.


Saying goodbye at school may be very emotional for you, but try to send them off with a smile and reassurance that you/or whoever you arrange will be there to collect them later. Remember even distressed children settle very quickly once you’re gone, so make your goodbye brief. If you are particularly worried, please phone in later to check your child is ok.

The End of The Day

Do make sure you are there when your child comes out at 3.15pm. Even a minute late can seem an eternity to a waiting child.

Your child will probably be tired and hungry after a full day so a snack and some quiet time may be just what they need.

Make listening a priority. They will probably talk about their day in their own time so avoid pressing your child, but do give them opportunities to talk to you.

Other Information

Please encourage your child to dress themselves so that they are not totally dependent upon an adult's help when changing. We will assist with zips and buttons if they are struggling.


Please make sure that your child is able to use the toilet correctly and is taught to wash their hands.

Meal Times

Children will be expected to use a knife and fork correctly, if staying for school dinners. Please encourage this practice at home.


It is essential that the school is kept informed of any changes to contact numbers. We may need to contact you urgently if your child is ill.

Medicines and Allergies

Please advise your child’s class teacher if your child needs medication prescribed by your doctor for any condition such as asthma. You will be asked to complete a medical form. Please advise your child’s teacher of any allergies your child may have.

Accident Procedures

Basic First Aid is applied in school. All accidents will be recorded in the accident book and you will receive a note if your child has had a head-bump or minor injury.


If your child is absent from school, please telephone the school office before 9.30am. We are legally required to keep details of absence.

The Foundation Stage Curriculum

There is a strong emphasis on learning through play experiences. The curriculum is based on the new Early Years Foundation Stage and the staff work together to ensure that all areas are covered through first hand, practical learning experiences.


The EYFS curriculum is based on the government guidance and is sub divided into 7 areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We help children to develop respect for themselves and others whilst building positive relationships with adults and peers. All children will be encouraged to increase their independence skills, whilst developing a positive attitude to learning.

Communication and Language

Children are encouraged to listen attentively, talk about their experiences and use language in a variety of ways to communicate with adults and peers.


Reading skills will be taught using a variety of books, text and print in the environment. In writing, children will be taught to use pictures, symbols, letters and familiar words to communicate meaning. Children will learn to write their name using appropriate upper and lower case letters and correct letter formation. 


Maths is taught through stories, songs, games, imaginative and practical activities. Children are taught to use mathematical language to describe and compare shapes, position, size and quantity. Through a variety of activities, children will be taught to count, write and use numbers to at least 10. In day to day activities, the children will become familiar with numbers larger than 10.

Understanding the World

This area of learning develops the children’s understanding of the environment, people around them and features of the natural and man-made world. Children will be encouraged to be curious, ask questions, investigate and explore different aspects of the curriculum. This will provide a foundation for historical, geographical, scientific and technological learning.

Physical Development

This area of learning develops the children’s understanding of the environment, people around them and features of the natural and man-made world. Children will be encouraged to be curious, ask questions, investigate and explore different aspects of the curriculum. This will provide a foundation for historical, geographical, scientific and technological learning.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will be encouraged to use their imagination and express their ideas and feelings using a wide range of materials. In dance, drama and music, children will develop their creative and artistic skills.

Welcome to Reception
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Copyright © 2025 Oak Meadow Primary School. Web design by eServices

Oak Meadow Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust. which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:

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