At Oak Meadow Primary School we like to have a partnership with the parents/carers of the children who attend the school and the children themselves. To further this partnership we have produced our Home-School Agreement which all parties agree to. Here is our Home-School Agreement:
Oak Meadow school aims to:
To create a friendly and stimulating environment which promotes the highest standards of learning and encourages individual achievement.
To help children reach their full potential through providing a stimulating curriculum which is broad and balanced.
To provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which everyone feels valued.
That strong links with children, parents/carers and staff enable all to surpass their potential.
To develop an ethos whereby everyone shows care, respect and tolerance in their relationship with each other.
As a parent/carer I will:
Make sure my child is on the school playground by 8:55 a.m. and is collected at 3:15 p.m., informing school of any absences.
Attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress.
Support the school’s policies and guidelines e.g. discipline, uniform, attendance etc (as outlined in our prospectus and on the website), and observe the establishment rules, (e.g. enter only through main reception door, adhere to non-smoking policy etc.)
Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
Support the school on its goal of achieving its aims.
As a pupil I will:
Do all my classwork and homework as well as I can.
Be polite and helpful to others.
Take care of everything in the school.
Try to be a good, well behaved and useful member of the school community.
Follow the playground, classroom and school rules.

Home-School Agreement