Hot meals and vegetarian options are cooked on the premises by our team of cooks. The children are offered a choice of main meals and desserts and salad and fruit is always available. Meals are eaten in part of the hall which becomes our dining room.
The cost of a school meal is £2.60 and the money for the week should be paid via ParentPay on the first day of the week, normally Monday.
To access our current 2024 - 2025 three-weekly school menu, please click here.

Free School Meal Eligibility
All children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to a free meal on the Universal Infant Free School (UIFSM) scheme.
To apply for benefits-related Free School Meals (FSM), please speak to the school office.
You will need to provide the school with:
• your full name
• date of birth
• and National Insurance (NI) number or National Asylum Support Service (NASS) reference number
We will then share your details with the City of Wolverhampton Council. They check eligibility using a secure Government website.
If you are found eligible, we will let you know.
If you have No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF), you will need to complete an application form and provide additional evidence to the school.
Schools receive valuable Government funding (Pupil Premium) for every child registered for FSM. Even if your child chooses not to eat school meals, we would still encourage you to register.
Registering for FSM also entitles children to access the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme during Christmas, Easter and Summer school holidays
Further information can also be found on the following link:
Child's Own Sandwich Lunch
The meal must consist of sandwiches or rolls.
They must be brought in a plastic sandwich box.
The box must be clearly marked with your child's name.
In the interests of hygiene, sandwich boxes should be washed at home each day.
Children requiring water should bring a plastic beaker. In the case of children bringing squash, this must be brought in a rigid plastic leak-proof container, and stored inside the sandwich box. Hot soup and 'fizzy' drinks should NOT be brought into school.
Children may take a mixture of packed lunches and school dinners during the week.
We would ask that you book the days and hot dinners required and pay for them on each Monday.

At lunchtime the children are looked after by our team of "dinner ladies". They supervise the children eating cooked lunches in the hall, the children having sandwiches in the classrooms and the children playing on the playgrounds and MUGA. Our ratio of Ancillary Supervision for children staying on the premises is 1-30 Key Stage 1; 1-75 Key Stage 2.
In the case of repeated unacceptable social behaviour, a child may be excluded, temporarily or permanently, from staying on the premises at lunchtimes. In such cases, you will receive one warning letter and if poor behaviour continues, your child will have to go home for lunch. In the case of a child qualifying for a free meal, provision would be made for this to be supplied.

Our School Meals