Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers of Oak Meadow Primary School.
I began my journey on the Oak Meadow Governing Board 4 years ago as a Parent Governor. Since then, I was elected as Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and now I am proud and honoured to have been elected to the important position of Chair of the Local Governing Board.
My primary ambition as Chair of Governors is to continue to work in partnership with the Head Teacher, Senior Leadership Team and Staff of Oak Meadow to help to deliver the 1st class education to all of the children of the school.
As a Local Governing Board, we do not get involved in the day to day running of the school, we do however:
-Ensure accountability to the school community;
-Act as a critical friend to the school;
-Take an active interest in the improvement plans for the school.
The nurture, warmth, and care given to the children by the Staff of Oak Meadow is outstanding. Oak Meadow is a family, and I am proud to part of this family.
Yours Kelly Hughes
(Chair of Governors)
Oak Meadow Primary School is part of St Bartholomew’s CE Multi-Academy Trust. There are three tiers of responsibility who lead and manage the governance of the Trust. Members and Trustees have responsibility for Trust matters, while each school within the Trust is led by its own Local Governing Board. Annual accounts and information relating to the Trustees and Members, and the Trust's Governance Structure can be found on the Trust’s website.
Our Local Governing Board
Mr Simon Arnold - Ex Officio Governor
Mrs Kelly Hughes - Appointed Governor & Chair
Mrs Susan Lacey - Appointed Governor
Miss Zoe Thwaites - Appointed Governor
Mr Paul Lane - Staff Governor
Mr Simon Spragg - Parent Governor
Mrs Karleen Salmon-Denson - Parent Governor
The Local Governing Board supports the Headteacher in leading the School, working under the direction of the Trust Board. Governors meet regularly to discuss children’s progress and results, acting as “critical friends” to the Headteacher in order to improve the School’s performance.
The only LGB sub-committee in operation is the Governors' Pay Committee which will consist of any three non-staff Governors without a conflict of interest.
To view our Governors attendance information for previous academic years, please click here.

Our Governors