This page has been designed for parents to support their children in learning to read.
To learn to read children need to:
learn 44 sounds (phonemes) and the corresponding letters/letter groups (graphemes).
learn to read words using sound blending.
These first sounds should all be stretched slightly. Try to avoid saying uh after each one e.g. /mm/ not muh, /ss/ not suh, /ff/ not fuh.
m – mmmmmmountain (keep lips pressed together hard)
s – sssssnake (keep teeth together and hiss – unvoiced)
n – nnnnnnet (keep tongue behind teeth)
f – ffffflower (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out sharply – unvoiced)
l – llllleg (keep pointed curled tongue behind teeth).
r – rrrrrrobot (say rrr as if you are growling)
v – vvvvvvulture (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out gently)
z – zzzzzzig zzzzzag (keep teeth together and make a buzzing sound)
th – thhhhank you ( stick out tongue and breathe out sharply)
sh – shhhh (make a shhh noise as though you are telling somebody to be quiet!)
ng – thinnnnngg on a strinnnngg (curl your tongue at the back of your throat)
nk – I think I stink (make a piggy oink noise without the oi! nk nk nk)
These next sounds cannot be stretched. Make the sound as short as possible avoiding uh at the end of the sound:
t – (tick tongue behind the teeth – unvoiced)
p - (make distinctive p with lips – unvoiced)
k – (make sharp click at back of throat)
c - as above
h – (say h as you breathe sharply out – unvoiced)
ch- (make a short sneezing sound)
x – (say a sharp c and add s – unvoiced)
You will find it harder to avoid saying uh at the end of these sounds.
d – (tap tongue behind the teeth).
g – (make soft sound in throat).
b –(make a short, strong b with lips).
j – (push lips forward).
y – (keep edges of tongue against teeth).
w – (keep lips tightly pursed).
qu – (keep lips pursed as you say cw – unvoiced).
The children are taught the Set 1 Speed Sound cards in the following order:
m a s d t, i n p g o, c k u b, f e l h sh, r j v y w, th z ch qu x ng nk
For extra ideas go to : http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/resources/videos/