Here at Oak Meadow we are proud to hold the Healthy Schools Status. We are constantly striving to emphasise the importance of living a healthy lifestyle through our diet and exercise.
Special Events
Every Summer Term we have a Health Week – during this week we have visitors such the School Nurse and Dentist to talk to the children about healthy eating and hygiene. We also hold a competition based around healthy eating such as design a healthy lunch with prizes for the winners.
Health in School
We encourage the children to bring healthy playtime snacks and lunchboxes and we provide healthy hot school dinners.
As part of our Parents’ Evenings we have samples of hot school meals on offer to be tried by both children and parents.
All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to fruit each day.
All children have access to fresh water and are encouraged to being in a water bottle from home.
All children have regular PE lessons during the week and year 4 and 6 children attend swimming lessons at the local public baths.
Out of school sports and activity clubs run on a weekly basis and children are encouraged to take part.
